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The 7 Principles of LEADER

The EU Common Agricultural Policy Network (formerly ENRD) has produced a comprehensive guide to the Community Led Local Development Approach including the 7 Principles of LEADER:

1) Bottom-Up Approach –

Places local communities at the center of local development processes and is defined by consultation, participation and collective decision-making.

2) Area-Based Approach –

Focuses on coherent sub-regional areas and seeks to target the priorities and opportunities of the LDS area as a whole.

3) The Local Partnership –

The Local Action Group (LAG) is a central element of the CLLD approach and must comprise partners from public, private and civil society.

4) An integrated and multi-sectoral strategy –

The LAG and their LDS should seek to capitalise on links and synergies between different sectors in their area.

5) Networking –

Networking is also a central element of the LEADER approach and seeks to support networking and exchange at local, national and European levels.

6) Innovation –

Supporting innovative solutions to local issues. 

7) Co-operation – 

Fostering and supporting co-operation and collaboration between LAGs at national and European level.

For further information on the LEADER

Rural Development Programme please contact

+353 87 1735168

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