Local Area Employment Service is funded by the Department of Social Protection working with long term unemployed clients farthest from the labour market with barriers to labour market participation. LAES provides job seekers with the financial assistance and support needed to establish financial independence, whether that be fulltime employment or establishing a business.
As a jobseeker, receiving a jobseeker’s payment from Intreo, you would have been referred to this service to access support to find employment or establish your own business.
Whatever your career goals, our employment service provides you with the opportunity to realise your full potential. We can provide the training and support you need to begin the journey towards achieving your goals.
Our Service Statement
Intreo Partner Employment Services will provide our clients with a high-quality service which will support you to find suitable employment. As part of your journey with us, you will receive:
Initial one to one meeting with your own dedicated Case Officer within 15 days of referral to our service from the Department of Social Protection
Personal Progression Plan (PPP) completed within 20 working days of your first meeting and reviewed every 13 weeks while you seek employment
Follow on one-to-one Meetings with your own Case Officer every 20 working days and 3 additional telephone appointments to prepare for your PPP reviews
Education and Training in line with your personal progression plan
Job Related Supports including advice support, CV preparation and interview skills
Employment Support Funding is available to you on commencing a full-time job and included funding for work clothing, workplace training, work equipment or a retail voucher to assist you to make the transition into employment
Post Employment Supports including aftercare and follow up for a minimum of 17 years weeks post start date
Opening Times Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, in Dundalk, Drogheda and Navan. Outreach offices in Kells, Ardee and Trim are open on a part-time basis.
Fully accessible offices for clients with a disability or who have limited mobility
Quality Service Provision verified annually by EIQA quality standard
Customer Surveys and Questionnaires to give you the opportunity to give us feedback on our service
Information an induction pack and aftercare pack will be provided to you at the beginning and at the end of your journey with us
Irish Language Option: Please let us know if you wish to communicated with in Irish
Complaints a copy of our complaint's procedure is provided in your induction pack and can be downloaded here
For further information on LAES please contact