Optimising Digital Connectivity
Digital connectivity is now fundamental to the development of rural areas, with the COVID-19 pandemic highlighting the importance of digitalisation in supporting so many aspects of our daily lives.
As well as the requirement for good IT infrastructure and connectivity, supporting the development of digital skills and digital literacy is also essential to enable rural dwellers to maximise the benefits of digitalisation.
Increased access to reliable and high-speed broadband is vital for the economic and social development of rural areas and communities. High-quality broadband enables businesses to set-up or continue to be based in rural areas, by overcoming barriers relating to access to markets and services. There is also a potential to create additional employment as access to broadband can support businesses to grow.
This sub-theme supports local actions that complement national initiatives aimed at developing a comprehensive rural broadband infrastructure. This sub-theme does not cover most broadband infrastructure, as this is covered under the National Broadband Plan.
Actions that may be covered include basic ICT training to priority groups, for example, to enable older people and young people to stay connected. Other actions may focus on skills development for installing broadband, feasibility studies in relation to community broadband.


For further information on the LEADER
Rural Development Programme please contact
+353 87 1735168