Theme 3 - Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment
& Climate Change Mitigation & Adaption
While recognising that sustainable development, climate change mitigation and adaptation is a cross-cutting issue and in this context will be considered for all LEADER interventions, a number of specific areas are identified under this theme.
This theme seeks to maximise the potential of environmental actions to contribute to the sustainable development of rural communities. It focuses on utilising the landscape within a local area, its features and natural resources, while simultaneously creating a greater environmental awareness and improving environmental protection.
LAGs and project promoters must comply with all national and EU Legislation, as well as any restrictions or obligations imposed by Government Departments or the relevant Local Authority, which may apply to the proposed project. All projects must have the necessary permissions and licences in place before any work commences. Projects funded under any sub-theme must also comply with the relevant Environment and Heritage requirements.
There are 3 sub-themes associated with this main LEADER Theme.
You can see an overview of each below.
Eligible Activities
For further information on the LEADER
Rural Development Programme please contact
+353 87 1735168