Rural Infrastructure
The 2023-2027 LEADER programme supports measures to develop and/or enhance rural infrastructures, in order to provide an opportunity for more people to live and work in their rural communities.
At Louth Local Development and LEADER, we believe in fostering a strong and inclusive community that goes beyond just economic development. We recognize the importance of social cohesion and inclusion in rural areas, particularly in a rapidly evolving Ireland. That's why we are excited to share information about the LEADER funding support that will be dedicated to eligible projects aimed at ensuring the social fabric of our sub-regional area remains vibrant and inclusive.
Building a Stronger Community
Be a part of our journey towards building a stronger and more inclusive community, and overcome the challenges faced by our rural areas by creating a future where every member of society feels valued and included.
Explore our website to learn more about the LEADER funding programs, ongoing projects, and how you can contribute to the social cohesion of our sub-regional area. Let's shape a brighter future together!

For further information on the LEADER
Rural Development Programme please contact
+353 87 1735168