Transitions: Little Steps to Big School
Transitions are a natural and normal part of growth and development. The Little Steps to Big School box of practical resources are provided to participating early learning and care centres and primary schools.
The aim is to build closer links between preschool and primary sector to ensure continuity of experiences for children and empower children to handle transition well.
Each child receives an information pack about their new school to help prepare them for the little step to big school.

Incredible Years Classroom Dina (Pre-School to Senior Infants)
The Classroom Dinosaur Curriculum is used by teachers as a prevention program for an entire classroom of students. The curriculum is delivered 2-3 times a week by teachers in the classroom in 20-30 minute circle time lessons, followed by small group practice activities and promotion of skills throughout the school day.
The aim of the programme is to help children develop their social and emotional skills, develop self regulation skills and learn how to problem solve.

KiVA Anti-Bullying Programme (1st to 6th Class)
KiVa is an antibullying program that was developed in the University of Turku, Finland. It is an evidence based programme designed to tackle bullying in schools. The program is based on decades of extensive research of bullying and its mechanisms. The goal is to provide school staff and students with the tools and resources to cover three elements: prevention, intervention and monitoring.
Each school completes an annual survey to measure the impact of bullying.

Restorative Practice
Restorative Practice is an evidence-based set of skill that help develop and strengthen relationships, build community, and prevent conflict.
School and Community based practitioners are trained to implement this approach as an early intervention and prevention model, adopted throughout their service.